How Will the Super Guarantee Rate Change Affect My Business?

How Will the Super Guarantee Rate Change Affect My Business?

The superannuation guarantee (SG) rate in Australia is set to increase, which will affect employers across the country. As a business owner, understanding these changes and how they impact your business operations is crucial. Here’s a detailed look at the upcoming changes and what you need to know to stay compliant.

What is the Superannuation Guarantee Rate?

The superannuation guarantee rate is the percentage of an employee’s ordinary time earnings (OTE) that employers must contribute to their superannuation fund. This mandatory contribution ensures that employees have adequate savings for retirement.

Upcoming Changes to the Super Guarantee Rate

The SG rate is legislated to incrementally increase over the next few years. Here is the schedule for the planned increases:

  • July 1, 2024: Increase from 11% to 11.5%
  • July 1, 2025: Increase from 11.5% to 12%

These gradual increases aim to enhance the retirement savings of Australian workers.

How Will This Affect My Business?

  1. Increased Payroll CostsThe primary impact of the SG rate increase is on payroll costs. As the SG rate rises, so does the amount you need to contribute to your employees’ superannuation funds. This increase will require businesses to budget for higher payroll expenses.
  2. Cash Flow ManagementBusinesses will need to manage their cash flow more effectively to accommodate the increased contributions. This may involve adjusting financial plans, securing additional funding, or optimizing operational costs.
  3. Payroll System AdjustmentsEnsure that your payroll systems are updated to reflect the new SG rates. This includes checking that your payroll software is configured to automatically apply the correct rate and that your HR and accounting teams are aware of the changes.
  4. Employee CommunicationInform your employees about the changes to the SG rate and how it benefits their retirement savings. Transparency and clear communication can help manage employee expectations and foster a positive work environment.
  5. Compliance and PenaltiesStaying compliant with the SG rate is crucial to avoid penalties from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). Failure to pay the correct superannuation contributions on time can result in fines and interest charges.

What Should You Do to Prepare?

  1. Review Your BudgetAssess your current budget and forecast future payroll expenses to accommodate the increased SG rate. Plan for these additional costs to ensure smooth financial operations.
  2. Update Payroll SystemsCheck with your payroll service provider or software vendor to ensure that your payroll systems are updated to handle the new SG rates. Conduct tests to verify that contributions are being calculated correctly.
  3. Educate Your TeamTrain your HR and accounting teams on the new SG requirements. Ensure they understand the implications and are prepared to manage the increased contributions.
  4. Communicate with EmployeesKeep your employees informed about the changes. Provide information on how the increased contributions will benefit their superannuation savings and retirement plans.
  5. Seek Professional AdviceConsulting with a financial advisor or accountant can help you navigate these changes. They can provide tailored advice on managing increased payroll costs and ensuring compliance with ATO regulations.


The changes to the superannuation guarantee rate will impact all Australian businesses, requiring adjustments to payroll, budgeting, and employee communications. By preparing in advance and seeking professional guidance, you can ensure a smooth transition and continued compliance with superannuation laws.

Need assistance with managing the super guarantee rate changes for your business? Contact us at 1300 952 286, email, or visit for expert advice and support tailored to your business needs.

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